Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Flip 'N' Check Day 11: No News Is Good News

Back at the Queens Public Library, we further attempted to research alternative manufacturing options and continue game development. While we currently have a sufficient amount for a full set of Under the Sea activities, it is always good to have options. And options, we have! We're exploring a variety of different exercises in different subjects -- even our fill-in-the-blank activity is turning out better! As we said in a previous post, we are greatly looking forward to the feedback our focus groups will provide. Ms. Chmiel is in the process of organizing our first one with the Manhattan Youth Group.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Flip 'N' Check Day 10: Surprises, Good and Bad

Let's give you the good news first. Today, we welcomed a new member of the team, back from his trip to Cambodia! The thousands of miles in between and twelve hour time difference meant close to nothing -- it was like he was here from the start. We quickly brought Mark up to date on our project. We now have more than enough activities to fill the Under the Sea version of our book, and after days of trial and error, we are finally satisfied with our fill-in-the-blank activity. With Mark's fresh perspective, we gathered more insight on the possible response we might receive. Of course, we still have to conduct the focus groups for our target audience in the imminent future.

And now, for the not so good news. We've heard back from our manufacturer. Our sample, unfortunately, is not exactly the way we envisioned it... but fingers crossed that it'll be fixed in time for the Canadian toy fair! Ms. Chmiel is contemplating flying to Toronto herself to meet with our distributor and to help sell our product.

Serious business. Ready to work!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Flip 'N' Check Day 9: Cloudy With A Chance of Success

Back to the Frying Pan. On a cool, cloudy day, we resumed our activities.  Besides the usual brainstorming and development, we further researched our prospective affair with World Wonders. They will be present at the Toronto Gift Show, beginning on August 11th, at the International Centre. They will have a sizeable booth set up, so if you’re in the area, be sure to stop by and check it out!

Our first impromptu focus group! Thanks for the feedback!

Our activities are still in their revision stage, but today we were lucky enough to entertain an impromptu focus group! They tested out some activities from both the original Flip ‘N’ Check and our new Under the Sea version. Though they were not exactly in our target age range, they provided good insight into how people might approach our product and offered some suggestions and constructive feedback.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Flip 'N' Check Day 8: Glass Half Full

We continued to move forward with our project today at the Queens Public Library. Our activity count went up several notches as we are slowly, but surely, reaching our goal. It turns out that writing children’s stories? More difficult than it seems! Perhaps the hardest thing being keeping it simple, while keeping it fun. We expect that we will end up with more activities than we will have room to fit in the actual book! This is a good thing. Of course, we will remember and try to account for the focus groups that we have yet to conduct. Reactions from our target audience may vary. Until then, we’ll keep doing what we’re doing. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Flip 'N' Check Day 7: A Day With Patience and Fortitude

Patience and fortitude. Two attributes that are crucial in taking an idea and making it a reality. They’re also the names of the two majestic marble lions that stand guard in front of the famed New York Public Library, which is where we continued our work. We attempted to secure a place in the Children’s Center without success. But that was okay, since we found an alternative under the high ceilings of the Rose Main Reading Room on the third floor.

Game development underwent more progress, and we are close to completing the activities for our Under the Sea version. We began discussing the possibility of press opportunities, and hope to have a press release ready in the coming week. We also have some focus groups planned for once we’ve finished making the activities. We are looking for feedback from our target audience: kids. Will they find Flip ‘N’ Check too easy? Too hard? Hopefully, we’ll find out soon enough!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Flip 'N' Check Day 6: Go With the Flow

We began our morning in Battery Park amidst laughing children playing in the sprinklers as we waited for the local library to open its doors. Finding an empty picnic bench to sit around, we brought everyone up to date.  When we got inside the library, we found a quiet place to work and split into groups.  Half of us continued working on game development, including an activity about compound words in pictures. 

The rest of us did research on foreign distribution. We referenced Global Toy News and the Harvard Business Review to learn about deal making with distributors. Elizabeth Carpenter, author of the popular children’s activity book Dino Mazes, was kind enough to help us evaluate our possible partnership with World Wonders.  Her experience in the field makes her advice invaluable to us.  

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Flip 'N' Check Day 5: A _____ (Wail/Whale) of a Time

The _______ (son/sun) continued shining, and we continued _______ (hour/our) brainstorming. At the Queens Public Library, we resumed activity development for Flip ‘N’ Check’s Under the Sea version. Coming up with and elaborating on _______ (some/sum) of the ideas for the games proved to be no easy _______ (feat/feet) – we ourselves learned a thing or two about sharks! We got our creative juices flowing as we crafted a story about a young whale on his first day of school.  We focused on homophones (words that sound the same but are spelled differently), like the ones you see _______ (hear/here)!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Flip 'N' Check Day 4: Full Speed Ahead!

At the New York Public Library in Battery Park.
Today we continued our project in the cool refuge of the New York Public Library in Battery Park City (we are in an intense heat wave here on the East Coast). We settled down amongst the youngsters in the children’s section where we took suggestions from our target audience. What are kids into these days? Minnows, crabs, whales, giant squids, blue whales, and not eels, according to a helpful young intellectual, his eyes twinkling as he listed these off the top of his head. With this in mind, we explored and voted on topics to include in our “Under the Sea” themed version of Flip ‘N’ Check. Soon after, game development was really in full swing, and we began crafting a list of possible activities.

Sitting in the children's section for maximum exposure 
to the minds of young intellectuals...

and also because everywhere else was full.

We also discussed our manufacturing progress (currently, we are debating between two manufacturers). There is also the possibility that we will work with World Wonders, a Canadian distributor. This division of MCM Group Ltd. will be debuting our product as part of their line-up at an upcoming toy show in Canada. Hopefully, we can expect to see our new samples within the next week to push the process along.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Flip 'N' Check Day 3: Out in the Field

Today's meeting had a change of scenery: the lovely, air-conditioned (!) Barnes and Noble. We scanned the shelves of the bookstore, looking for inspiration and ideas for our project. We poked around in the section for children's workbooks, where we quickly thumbed through several of the books. They provided good insight into some common and popular themes for kids of our target age. We checked out the games section as well, where we started taking notes on the manufacturers and some of the awards won by the games. We will definitely be working toward that goal ourselves in the future, so that's something to keep on the back burner!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Flip 'N' Check Day 2: Refreshed and Revamped

We returned to the Frying Pan to continue our work as stormy clouds approached on New Jersey's horizon. After everyone had arrived and settled in, we had our daily group meeting.  We discussed how we could improve our presence in social media and determined that we would use Blogspot and Facebook to keep everyone updated on our project and to build brand recognition for Flip 'N' Check.  

Teen Entrepreneur Boot Camp had an existing blog before Toys by Teens was founded.  After rummaging for the login information, we got to work on revamping the blog.  We redesigned the look and style and introduced Flip 'N' Check to our readers.  We also gained access to the Toys by Teens Facebook page, so look forward to new posts!  Like us on Facebook at

Meanwhile, the rest of the group continued compiling a database outlining the appropriate topics of discussion for grade school students.  We have three main categories thus far: the basic curriculum, under the sea and the New-York Historical Society.  Soon, we will take a vote as a group on which topics to include in our product. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Flip 'N' Check Day 1: All Aboard!

All aboard the Frying Pan! Our summer apprenticeship with Pam Chmiel and the teen toy company set sail at the restaurant at Chelsea's Pier 66 on a bright, sunny Monday. We began our day getting acquainted with the project begun by Teen Entrepreneur Boot Camp.  The toy company, Toys By Teens, LLC, is out to develop and bring the innovative product Flip 'N' Check to market. Created by the inventor of Connect Four, it is a new approach to the traditional activity book.

The team hard at work at our first meeting.
The first item on our to-do list was to review the agenda and delegate tasks. We discussed possible partnerships with experienced entrepreneurs and renowned institutions across New York City, including the New-York Historical Society. After splitting up into small groups, we tackled research on the market and on appropriate curriculums in various subjects for grade schoolers. Research on the NY Aquarium's school programs gave additional insight into our product development. We made significant progress, and it was only our first day! Excited for what Day Two will bring.

Teen Toy Company presents their first product: Flip 'N' Check

In 2011, Teen Entrepreneur Boot Camp (TEBC) piloted the teen toy company program at the acclaimed Stuyvesant High School in lower Manhattan. The goal is to expose young people to business and to teach them about entrepreneurship by creating a real world business model. Stuyvesant alumnus Ray Lent has a philosophy: do well, while doing good. This summer, he is sponsoring Stuyvesant students to bring Toys by Teens’s first product to market.  Dr. Howard Wexler, inventor of the game Connect Four, donated an innovative idea to the project, a twist to the traditional educational activity book. It is now up to the young entrepreneurs to develop and spread the new Flip 'N' Check.