Today we went to the NYPD police museum to conference with the directors to see if we could get a loan of their bratillian cards to exhibit in our espresso bar. We talked to Julie Bose, executive director, Kerri Brockner, office manager, and Beth Spenelli, registar. Elaine and Kimberly gave them our elevator pitch to see if they were interested in joining forces with us. After some negotiation they figured out some options for us. We could either A. make our own mugshots, B. use photo copys of some of there bratilian cards, or C. use celebrity mugshots. We all discussed and we decided to use all of their ideas for the shop. Then we went back to the shop and met Veronica Rosario, producer for Fox 5 News. She gave us ideas on how to start our press release, and write it so producers would want to use our story! Later on we talked as a group about ideas for our merchandise. In the end we opted to use buttons instead of mugs because if we used mugs over half of our budget would be gone. We also looked over a book that Shireen bought called Mugshots by: Raynal Pellicer to see if we could find any good mugshots to display. We ended up finding afew and are now working on blowing them up.

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