Toys by Teens, LLC was formed by the not-for-profit group Teen Entrepreneur Boot Camp to create a real-working business model to teach students about entrepreneurship. Dr. Howard Wexler, inventor of the game Connect Four, donated a new invention to the project for the students to launch into the marketplace. The eventual revenue earned from sales will be used to offer this free program to new teams of students.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Mugshot:Day 8
Mugshot: Day 6
Friday, August 21, 2009
Mugshot: Day 5

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Mugshot: Day 4
Also today we finalized our equipment list and finished the 1st draft of our press release. Then we found a great postcard company for our promo! =] And Larriss Raywood came in from Perkins+Will and gave us some ideas about the way we should layout our coffee shop. And to all end the day on a good note, we looked for a press contacy and researched the products we could buy and sell.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Mugshot: Day 3

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Mugshot: Day 2
In the afternoon we had had a guest speaker come in named Tiffany Winbush who is a PR consultant starting her own PR firm called Discover PR. She Talked about marketing vehicles and different ways to market such as postcards and fliers. While Tiffany was there Fuji TV a Japanese TV show came and filmed. At the end of the day JC came in and worked with us to brainstorm ideas and ended up talking about doing some mugshots or even have famous celebrities mugshots up on the wall and made an appointment to go to the police museum the next day.Then we broke up into groups. Sophie and Kimberly worked with JC to start our press release. And everyone else was doing research on cost of mugs and other things we may need.
Mugshot: Day 1

Then, we spent time brainstorming ideas for names of our new coffee shop, ranging from sports themes to construction themes to prison themes. We got really excited when we did this activity, and people were even coming up with ideas that would fit into the themes. Needless to say, some people were really disappointed when their ideas that they had been so attached to weren't chosen. The general consensus was for "Mugshot" which would have a humorous criminal theme. We even came up with a tag line: "Coffee: Make a break for it!" (Get it? Because of prison break and coffee break....ha ha ha :) Even though not everyone was happy with the name at first, we all came to like the name and we all had ideas for how to make this theme happen.

Come visit Mugshot coffee shop at 127 Fulton St. NYC on Thursday, August 27, and Friday, August 28!
By Austin M., and Elaine K.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Mötley Brüe: Grand Finale
Two weeks, its felt like just two days, we all wish it would last longer, but transience is an essential part of life. Now, as we leave this camp, we take with us memories of the times we've spent here. Here's hoping we'll never forget them.
Bloggers note: Your humble blogger would just like to say, “It was grand, I hope you enjoyed reading them just as much as I enjoyed writing them. And I enjoyed them a lot.”
Mötley Brüe: Grand Opening
We all showed up early in the morning, ready to make this coffee shop happen. We set up our baked goods, purchased ice, and started our storefront advertising.
Business started out slow, but customers quickly started streaming in steadily. Working behind the counter was a tiring business, as we had to rush back and forth, calculating change, assembling iced limeade and teas, and packaging pastries. The work was especially difficult for our master barista, Alex James. Alex often had to keep up with multiple orders at once, but he gave the same high level of care and skill to every cup of coffee.
Around noon, Fox 5 news showed up, wanting to cover our unique coffee shop. Having Fox news in our shop seemed to bring more people in and soon we had lines which were out the door! The first and penultimate day of our coffee bar's life went very well. We made over 475 dollars, and each received 6.50 $ in tips to take home. Let's just hope tomorrow goes just as well.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Mötley Brüe: Day 8
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Mötley Brüe: Day 7
The penultimate day before opening was possibly one the hardest yet, as we push ourselves even harder.
In the morning, a lawyer who specializes in working for bars and restaurants came to speak to us about the various legal aspects involved in running a coffee bar. He taught us about all the legal ramifications of our decisions and the many choices any coffee bar owner has to make in order to be successful.
In the afternoon, we resumed our preparations for opening day. We started drawing the menu on our gigantic blackboard, worked on the decor, and ordered our supplies. We are still quite behind where we wanted to be today, but we are working twice as hard to finish in time. At times like these, it's hard not be pessimistic, not to give up in front of the overwhelming amount of work we still have to do. But I still believe that if we work as hard as we did today and yesterday, we can still finish this race against time.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Mötley Brüe: Day 6

Friday, August 7, 2009
Mötley Brüe: Day 5

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Mötley Brüe: Day 4

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Mötley Brüe: Day 3

Mötley Brüe: Day 2

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Mötley Brüe: Day 1

Friday, July 31, 2009
Session 2: Day 9 of Cafeazy
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Session 2: Day 8 of Cafeazy
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Session 2: Day 7 of Cafeazy
Session 2: Day 6 of Cafeazy
Friday, July 24, 2009
Session 2: Day 5 of Cafeazy
Sarah B. and Patrick M. in line at the Health Department.
After lunch, it was time to make more phone calls to our PR contacts. Most of them had us redirected to an email address, but it was still very productive seeing as we had over 40 contacts. We finished up a lot of our projects like finalizing our press release and finishing our ad. We also looked up some of our equipment that we needed and found out the prices. We also picked up our freezer that we had ordered from Craigslist.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Session 2: Day 4 of Cafeazy
We searched the web for different potential PR opportunities and successfully completed our list. Among those on the list were some of our guest speakers from previous sessions and days. We can’t wait to get on the phone tomorrow and let the world know about Cafeazy and Teen Entrepreneur Boot Camp! We also went out on the streets to Chase Bank, Bank of America, Godiva, Carvel, Häagen Dazs, and Associated Groceries where we had our fair share of hits and misses. In the end we managed to make a deal with Associated Groceries, who kindly agreed to donate 5 gallons of vanilla ice cream to us! As for the other businesses we visited, everybody is now well informed about our upcoming opening and about the Teen Entrepreneur Boot Camp (although some of these companies were more gracious than others). At Bank of America we talked to Pam’s banker, Mahwish and will be in further contact with her later this week about a possible business deal (as well as with Chase Bank and Godiva).
This morning we all came into the shop with the pleasant surprise of seeing our name on one of the front windows! Michael did a great job of painting, drawing, and finishing the logo on the window!
Michael working on the logo!
Later in the day, David Meinhart came in and gave us a few lessons on interior designing and then we came up with our own interior layout of Cafeazy! We figured out what kind of furniture we want along with where we want to place everything. Besides the constant disagreement of different floor plans, we managed to come up with a blueprint that we all agreed on! Thanks David!
Cafeazy's future floor plan!
Our next steps for tomorrow and next week are to follow up with Chase, Associated, Bank of America and all of our other future participants. In the next few days, we will also be picking out our furniture. One week till opening!
Session 2: Day 3 of Cafeazy